This miniature recorder was developed by the ingenious instrument maker Adalbert Koch. He made these precious instruments for many years in his small hobby workshop on miniature machines that he had optimised. The trigger was an exhibition at which he had seen a miniature recorder. But it produced no sound! That was a "can't-do" moment for an instrument maker who was passionate about his profession. He spent weeks developing these models with his own attention to detail and precision - and they are playable! Even if he was only 99.9% satisfied with the result. The window (the distance between the end of the windway and the labium edge) is proportionally larger on these small recorder dwarfs than on the normal soprano or alto (treble) recorder. We're sure you wouldn't have noticed this detail if we hadn't told you the anecdote. But it will certainly make you more aware of the achievement that lies ahead of you.Oh yes, at the moment you can only see the picture of this little marvel. Our tip: Order one for yourself and delight yourself and others when you elicit sounds or even little melodies from this piece of jewellery. The fact that you are carrying such a unique legacy of an ingenious instrument maker with you is free of charge.
This miniature recorder was developed by the ingenious instrument maker Adalbert Koch. He made these precious instruments for many years in his small hobby workshop on miniature machines that he had optimised. The trigger was an exhibition at which he had seen a miniature recorder. But it produced no sound! That was a "can't-do" moment for an instrument maker who was passionate about his profession. He spent weeks developing these models with his own attention to detail and precision - and they are playable! Even if he was only 99.9% satisfied with the result. The window (the distance between the end of the windway and the labium edge) is proportionally larger on these small recorder dwarfs than on the normal soprano or alto (treble) recorder. We're sure you wouldn't have noticed this detail if we hadn't told you the anecdote. But it will certainly make you more aware of the achievement that lies ahead of you.Oh yes, at the moment you can only see the picture of this little marvel. Our tip: Order one for yourself and delight yourself and others when you elicit sounds or even little melodies from this piece of jewellery. The fact that you are carrying such a unique legacy of an ingenious instrument maker with you is free of charge.
?Diese Miniaturblockflöte wurde vom genialen Instrumentenbauer Adalbert Koch entwickelt. Er fertigte über viele Jahre diese Preziosen in seiner kleinen Hobbywerkstatt auf von ihm optimierten Miniaturmaschinen. Der Auslöser war eine Ausstellung, auf der der eine Blockflötenminiatur gesehen hatte. Diese erzeugte aber keine Töne! Das war ein ""geht-gar-nicht-Moment"" für einen Instrumentenmacher, der seinen Beruf mit Herzblut ausübte. Er entwickelte in wochenlanger und ihm eigener Detailverliebtheit und Präzision die vorliegenden Modelle - und diese sind spielbar! Auch wenn er mit dem Ergebnis nur zu 99,9% zufrieden war. Der Aufschnitt (der Abstand zwischen Windkanalende und Labiumschneide) ist bei diesen kleinen Flötenzwergen proportional größer als bei der normalen Sopran- oder Altblockflöte. Wir sind sicher, Ihnen wäre dieses Detail nicht aufgefallen, wenn wir die Anekdote nicht erzählt hätten. Sie macht Ihnen aber sicher bewusster, welche Leistung hier vor Ihnen liegt.Ach ja, Sie sehen im Moment nur das Bild dieses kleinen Wunderwerks. Unser Tipp: Bestellen Sie sich ein Exemplar und erfreuen Sie sich und andere, wenn Sie dem Schmuckstück Töne oder sogar kleine Melodien entlocken. Dass Sie dabei ein solch einmaliges Vermächtnis eines genialen Instrumentenbauers mit sich tragen, gibt es gratis dazu.
Diese Miniaturblockflöte wurde vom genialen Instrumentenbauer Adalbert Koch entwickelt. Er fertigte über viele Jahre diese Preziosen in seiner kleinen Hobbywerkstatt auf von ihm optimierten Miniaturmaschinen. Der Auslöser war eine Ausstellung, auf der der eine Blockflötenminiatur gesehen hatte. Diese erzeugte aber keine Töne! Das war ein ""geht-gar-nicht-Moment"" für einen Instrumentenmacher, der seinen Beruf mit Herzblut ausübte. Er entwickelte in wochenlanger und ihm eigener Detailverliebtheit und Präzision die vorliegenden Modelle - und diese sind spielbar! Auch wenn er mit dem Ergebnis nur zu 99,9% zufrieden war. Der Aufschnitt (der Abstand zwischen Windkanalende und Labiumschneide) ist bei diesen kleinen Flötenzwergen proportional größer als bei der normalen Sopran- oder Altblockflöte. Wir sind sicher, Ihnen wäre dieses Detail nicht aufgefallen, wenn wir die Anekdote nicht erzählt hätten. Sie macht Ihnen aber sicher bewusster, welche Leistung hier vor Ihnen liegt.Ach ja, Sie sehen im Moment nur das Bild dieses kleinen Wunderwerks. Unser Tipp: Bestellen Sie sich ein Exemplar und erfreuen Sie sich und andere, wenn Sie dem Schmuckstück Töne oder sogar kleine Melodien entlocken. Dass Sie dabei ein solch einmaliges Vermächtnis eines genialen Instrumentenbauers mit sich tragen, gibt es gratis dazu.
These miniature recorder ear pendants were developed by the ingenious instrument maker Adalbert Koch. For many years, he made these gems in his small hobby workshop on miniature machines that he had optimised. The trigger was an exhibition at which he had seen a miniature recorder. But it produced no sound! That was a "can't-do" moment for an instrument maker who was passionate about his profession. He spent weeks developing these models with his own attention to detail and precision - and they are playable! Even if he was only 99.9% satisfied with the result. The window (the distance between the end of the windway and the labium edge) is proportionally larger on these small recorder dwarfs than on the normal soprano or alto (treble) recorder. We are sure you would not have noticed this detail if we had not told you the anecdote. But it certainly makes you more aware of the achievement that lies ahead of you.Oh yes, at the moment you can only see the picture of this little marvel. It is certainly clear that the earrings are not playable. The middle joint is missing. Long market research has shown that very few players have a middle ear to which they could attach the middle joint. *grins* So the model shown is simply jewellery. But a beautiful one.
These miniature recorder ear pendants were developed by the ingenious instrument maker Adalbert Koch. For many years, he made these gems in his small hobby workshop on miniature machines that he had optimised. The trigger was an exhibition at which he had seen a miniature recorder. But it produced no sound! That was a "can't-do" moment for an instrument maker who was passionate about his profession. He spent weeks developing these models with his own attention to detail and precision - and they are playable! Even if he was only 99.9% satisfied with the result. The window (the distance between the end of the windway and the labium edge) is proportionally larger on these small recorder dwarfs than on the normal soprano or alto (treble) recorder. We are sure you would not have noticed this detail if we had not told you the anecdote. But it certainly makes you more aware of the achievement that lies ahead of you.Oh yes, at the moment you can only see the picture of this little marvel. It is certainly clear that the earrings are not playable. The middle joint is missing. Long market research has shown that very few players have a middle ear to which they could attach the middle joint. *grins* So the model shown is simply jewellery. But a beautiful one.
These miniature recorder ear pendants were developed by the ingenious instrument maker Adalbert Koch. For many years, he made these gems in his small hobby workshop on miniature machines that he had optimised. The trigger was an exhibition at which he had seen a miniature recorder. But it produced no sound! That was a "can't-do" moment for an instrument maker who was passionate about his profession. He spent weeks developing these models with his own attention to detail and precision - and they are playable! Even if he was only 99.9% satisfied with the result. The window (the distance between the end of the windway and the labium edge) is proportionally larger on these small recorder dwarfs than on the normal soprano or alto (treble) recorder. We are sure you would not have noticed this detail if we had not told you the anecdote. But it certainly makes you more aware of the achievement that lies ahead of you.Oh yes, at the moment you can only see the picture of this little marvel. It is certainly clear that the earrings are not playable. The middle joint is missing. Long market research has shown that very few players have a middle ear to which they could attach the middle joint. *grins* So the model shown is simply jewellery. But a beautiful one.
These miniature recorder ear pendants were developed by the ingenious instrument maker Adalbert Koch. For many years, he made these gems in his small hobby workshop on miniature machines that he had optimised. The trigger was an exhibition at which he had seen a miniature recorder. But it produced no sound! That was a "can't-do" moment for an instrument maker who was passionate about his profession. He spent weeks developing these models with his own attention to detail and precision - and they are playable! Even if he was only 99.9% satisfied with the result. The window (the distance between the end of the windway and the labium edge) is proportionally larger on these small recorder dwarfs than on the normal soprano or alto (treble) recorder. We are sure you would not have noticed this detail if we had not told you the anecdote. But it certainly makes you more aware of the achievement that lies ahead of you.Oh yes, at the moment you can only see the picture of this little marvel. It is certainly clear that the earrings are not playable. The middle joint is missing. Long market research has shown that very few players have a middle ear to which they could attach the middle joint. *grins* So the model shown is simply jewellery. But a beautiful one.
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