Du suchst eine gute Verpackung für Deine Blockflöte?
Dann ist abzuwägen, was gut bedeutet.
Soll die Verpackung stabil sein, oder leicht?
Muss nur ein Instrument darin Platz finden, oder mehrere?
Möchtest Du die Verpackung an einem Griff mit der Hand tragen, oder als Rucksack transportieren können? Oder möchtest Du sie als Rollkoffer hinter Dir her ziehen können?
Egal zu welcher Entscheidung du gelangst.
Du wirst in unserer Auswahl fündig werden.
106 Produkte
Beheizbare Flötentasche, 3-teilig aus Samt, kirschrot
89,00 €*
Blockflöten werden in kühlen Räumen und der kühlen Jahreszeit schnell heiser.
Das liegt an der Kondensation der Atemfeuchte im kalten Blockflötenkopf.
Die Tröpfchen lassen das Instrument "heiser" klingen.
Das lässt sich mit einer beheizbaren Blockflötentasche leicht und elegant beheben.
Warum eine beheizbare Blockflötentasche sinnvoll ist.
In die Oberseite der Tasche sind kleine Heizflächen eingenäht, die von einem kleinen Akku (Zubehör) betrieben werden.
Über einen Schalter können drei verschiedene Temperaturstufen gewählt werden.
Keine der Stufen schadet Ihrer Blockflöte. Wir haben das ausgiebig getestet.
Wir haben einen passenden Akku (auch "Powerbank" genannt) für Sie ausgesucht. Sie finden ihn in unserem Zubehör in der Rubrik "beheizbare Verpackungen".
Das Sie ihre Instrumente auch vor Rissen schützen müssen wir sicher nicht erwähnen.
Beheizbare Taschen sind der beste Ort um Ihre Instrumente zu transportieren und vor dem Spielen anzuwärmen.
Diana Netsch
Beheizbare Flötentasche, 3-teilig aus Samt, schwarz
89,00 €*
Blockflöten werden in kühlen Räumen und der kühlen Jahreszeit schnell heiser.
Das liegt an der Kondensation der Atemfeuchte im kalten Blockflötenkopf.
Die Tröpfchen lassen das Instrument "heiser" klingen.
Das lässt sich mit einer beheizbaren Blockflötentasche leicht und elegant beheben.
Warum eine beheizbare Blockflötentasche sinnvoll ist.
In die Oberseite der Tasche sind kleine Heizflächen eingenäht, die von einem kleinen Akku (Zubehör) betrieben werden.
Über einen Schalter können drei verschiedene Temperaturstufen gewählt werden.
Keine der Stufen schadet Ihrer Blockflöte. Wir haben das ausgiebig getestet.
Wir haben einen passenden Akku (auch "Powerbank" genannt) für Sie ausgesucht. Sie finden ihn in unserem Zubehör in der Rubrik "beheizbare Verpackungen".
Das Sie ihre Instrumente auch vor Rissen schützen müssen wir sicher nicht erwähnen.
Beheizbare Taschen sind der beste Ort um Ihre Instrumente zu transportieren und vor dem Spielen anzuwärmen.
Diana Netsch
Blockfloetenshop.de, Ledertasche für Altblockflöte
45,00 €*
517-TAL. Bag for F-Alto recorders
Overall information
Recorders should be transported in winter in a secure packaging, which is able to protect the recorder secure.
In the case of strong climate fluctuations it is possible that cracks could appear in the body of the recorder. This can in the worst case distroy the instrument hardly. In any case the reparation will be very expensive
A quality case or bag protects your recorder from such unpleasant events.
Suitability of the packaging
This item has been developed for F-Alto-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the workshop Blockfloetenshop.de.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
Blockfloetenshop.de, Blockflötenrucksack
109,00 €*
BS-55-BFS. Bag for different instruments
General information
Recorders should be transported in case of strong climatic fluctuations in a secure packaging, which is able to protect the instrument safe.
In the case of strong fluctuations in humidity or temperature it is possible that cracks could appear in the body of the instrument. This can under certain circumstances damage the recorder hardly. In any case the repair will be very expensive
A quality case or bag keeps your instrument parts from such unsightly incidents.
This article has been developed for different-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company Blockfloetenshop.de.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
Blockfloetenshop.de, Rolltasche schwarz
95,00 €*
BS-58-BFS. Bag for different recorders
General information
Recorders should be transported or stored in case of strong temperature fluctuations in a quality packaging, which to protect the recorder secure.
In the case of fast temperature or humidity fluctuations it could be that cracks could appear in the body of the recorder. This can in the worst case damage the instrument totaly. In any case the repair will be very expensive
A good case or bag protects your recorder from such unpleasant events.
This item has been developed for different-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company Blockfloetenshop.de.
If your existing instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
Blockfloetenshop.de, Rote Blockflöten-Rucksacktasche
149,00 €*
BS-57-BFS. Tasche für verschiedene Instrumente
Holzblasinstrumente sollten im Winter in einer hohen Verpackung gelagert werden, die die Blockflöte sicher schützt.
Bei starken Klimaschwankungen kann es vorkommen, dass Risse im Korpus der Blockflöte entstehen. Dies kann unter Umständen das Gerät komplett beschädigen. In jedem Fall wird die Reparatur sehr teuer
Ein durchdachtes Etui oder eine Tasche bewahrt Ihre Blockflöte vor solchen unschönen Zwischenfällen.
Dieser Artikel ist für verschiedene Rekorder entwickelt worden.
Die Größe der Fächer sind speziell auf die Artikel der Firma Blockfloetenshop.de abgestimmt.
Wenn Ihr Gerät von einem anderen Hersteller ist, und Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob Ihr Gerät in diese Verpackung passt, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
Blockfloetenshop.de, Rucksack/Rolltasche beheizbar, schwarz
139,00 €*
Der beheizbare Blockflötenrucksack der auch als Rolltasche verwendet werden kann.
Es verhindert, dass Blockflöten
in kühlen Räumen schneller heiser werden.
Das liegt an der Kondensation der Atemfeuchte im kalten Blockflötenkopf.
Die Tröpfchen lassen das Instrument "heiser" klingen.
Das lässt sich mit diesem beheizbaren Blockflötenrucksack leicht und elegant beheben.
Warum ein beheizbarer Blockflötenrucksack sinnvoll ist.
In die Oberseite der Tasche sind im Bereich der drei linken Taschen kleine Heizflächen eingenäht, die von einem kleinen Akku (Zubehör) betrieben werden.
Über einen Taster können drei verschiedene Temperaturstufen gewählt werden. Der Taster leuchtet rot, blau oder grün.
Keine der Stufen schadet Ihrer Blockflöte. Wir haben das ausgiebig getestet.
Wir haben einen passenden Akku (auch "Powerbank" genannt) für Sie ausgesucht. Sie finden ihn in unserem Zubehör in der Rubrik "beheizbare Verpackungen".
Er findet im beheizbaren Rucksack in einer speziellen Tasche Platz.
Das Sie ihre Instrumente auch vor Rissen schützen müssen wir sicher nicht erwähnen.
Beheizbare Taschen sind der beste Ort um Ihre Instrumente zu transportieren und vor dem Spielen anzuwärmen.
Blockfloetenshop.de, Schwarze Blockflöten-Rucksacktasche
149,00 €*
BS-56-BFS. Bag for different recorders
General information
Recorders should be stored in case of strong temperature fluctuations in a secure packaging, which is able to protect the instrument reliable.
In the case of strong temperature or humidity fluctuations it could be that cracks could appear in the body of the recorder. This can under certain circumstances damage the instrument totaly. In any case the reparation will be expensive
A thoughtful case or bag keeps your instrument parts from such unsightly incidents.
This item has been developed for different-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company Blockfloetenshop.de.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you unsure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
easyBag Tasche für AVANTGARDE Subbassblockflöte
370,00 €*
Kunath Instrumentenbau
FEHR Blockflötentasche für 3-teilige Tenorblockflöten
23,00 €*
FE-4T3-FEH. Bag for Tenor recorders
General information
Recorders should be transported in case of strong temperature fluctuations in a practical packaging, which is able to protect the instrument safe.
In the case of strong temperature or humidity fluctuations it could be that cracks could appear in the body of the instrument. This can under certain circumstances distroy the recorder completely. In any case the repair will be expensive
A quality case or bag protects your instrument from such unsightly incidents.
This item has been developed for Tenor-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the brand FEHR.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
Fehr Blockflötenbau
FEHR Kofferetui, für 4-teilige F-Bass Blockflöten
183,00 €*
Fehr Blockflötenbau
FEHR, Blockflötenetui F-Alt
49,00 €*
FE-3K3-FEH. Case for F-Alto instruments
General information
Recorders should be transported in case of strong climatic fluctuations in a secure packaging, which to protect the recorder reliable.
In the case of rapid temperature or humidity fluctuations it is possible that cracks could appear in the body of the instrument. This can in the worst case damage the recorder totaly. In any case the reparation will be very expensive
A appropriate case or bag keeps your recorder from such unsightly incidents.
Suitability of the packaging
This item has been developed for F-Alto-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company FEHR.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, contact us.
Fehr Blockflötenbau
FEHR, Blockflötenetui Sopran
42,00 €*
FE-2K3-FEH. Case for Soprano instruments
Overall information
Recorders should be transported or stored in winter in a secure packaging, which is able to protect the instrument secure.
In the case of rapid temperature or humidity fluctuations it could be that stress cracks could appear in the body of the instrument. This can under certain circumstances distroy the recorder completely. In any case the reparation will be very expensive
A appropriate case or bag keeps your recorder from such unpleasant events.
Suitability of the packaging
This article has been developed for Soprano-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company FEHR.
If your existing instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you unsure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
Fehr Blockflötenbau
FEHR, Blockflötenetui Tenor
59,00 €*
FE-4K3-FEH. Case for Tenor recorders
Overall information
Recorders should be transported in case of strong climatic fluctuations in a secure packaging, which is able to protect the recorder safe.
In the case of rapid fluctuations in humidity or temperature it is possible that cracks could appear in the body of the instrument. This can under certain circumstances distroy the recorder completely. In any case the repair will be very expensive
A thoughtful case or bag protects your recorder from such unsightly incidents.
Suitability of the packaging
This article has been developed for Tenor-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company FEHR.
If your existing instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you unsure if your instrument fits into this package, contact us.
Fehr Blockflötenbau
FEHR, Blockflötentasche für 2-teilige Sopranflöten
14,00 €*
FE-2T2-FEH. Bag for Soprano instruments
Overall information
Woodwind instruments should be transported or stored in winter in a high packaging, which is able to protect the recorder reliable.
In the case of fast climate fluctuations it could be that cracks could appear in the body of the recorder. This can in the worst case damage the instrument completely. In any case the reparation will be very expensive
A appropriate case or bag protects your instrument parts from such unpleasant events.
This item has been developed for Soprano-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the brand FEHR.
If your existing instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, contact us.
Fehr Blockflötenbau
FEHR, Blockflötentasche für 3-teilige F-Alt
18,00 €*
FE-3T3-FEH. Bag for F-Alto instruments
Overall information
Woodwind instruments should be transported or stored in case of strong climatic fluctuations in a secure packaging, which to protect the instrument safe.
In the case of rapid climate fluctuations it is possible that stress cracks could appear in the body of the instrument. This can in the worst case damage the recorder totaly. In any case the repair will be very expensive
A quality case or bag keeps your instrument parts from such unsightly incidents.
Suitability of the packaging
This item has been developed for F-Alto-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the workshop FEHR.
If your existing instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
Fehr Blockflötenbau
FEHR, Blockflötentasche Sopranino
12,00 €*
FE-1T2-FEH. Bag for Sopranino instruments
Overall information
Recorders should be stored in winter in a practical packaging, which is able to protect the instrument safe.
In the case of rapid fluctuations in humidity or temperature it could be that cracks could appear in the body of the recorder. This can in the worst case distroy the instrument hardly. In any case the repair will be expensive
A good case or bag keeps your instrument from such unsightly incidents.
This article has been developed for Sopranino-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company FEHR.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, contact us.
Fehr Blockflötenbau
Gigbag Großbass Blockflöte, 76 cm tief
450,00 €*
CL310-KOE. Case for Greatbass recorders
General information
Recorders should be transported in case of strong temperature fluctuations in a practical packaging, which to protect the recorder reliable.
In the case of strong fluctuations in humidity or temperature it could be that stress cracks could appear in the body of the recorder. This can under certain circumstances damage the instrument hardly. In any case the repair will be expensive
A good case or bag keeps your recorder from such unpleasant events.
This item has been developed for Greatbass-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the brand Blockfloetenshop.de.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you unsure if your instrument fits into this package, please contact us.
Huber, Bass Formetui, rot-schwarz
138,00 €*
1041-HUB. Case for different instruments
General information
Recorders should be transported or stored in winter in a high packaging, which is able to protect the instrument safe.
In the case of rapid fluctuations in humidity or temperature it is possible that stress cracks could appear in the body of the instrument. This can in the worst case damage the recorder totaly. In any case the reparation will be expensive
A good case or bag keeps your recorder from such unpleasant events.
This item has been developed for different-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the company Huber.
If your instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you are not sure if your instrument fits into this package, contact us.
Huber, Blockflöten Trolley "San Diego"
340,00 €*
2238-HUB. Trolley bag for Sopranino recorders
Overall information
Recorders should be transported in winter in a high packaging, which to protect the recorder reliable.
In the case of fast temperature or humidity fluctuations it could be that stress cracks could appear in the body of the recorder. This can under certain circumstances damage the instrument hardly. In any case the reparation will be expensive
A appropriate case or bag protects your instrument from such unpleasant events.
This article has been developed for Sopranino-recorders.
The size of the compartments are especially adapted to the items of the workshop Huber.
If your existing instrument is from another manufacturer, and if you unsure if your instrument fits into this package, contact us.